In Channel§
See primary documentation in context for method fail.
method fail(Channel:D: $error)
Closes the Channel
(that is, makes subsequent send
calls die), and enqueues the error to be thrown as the final element in the Channel
. Method receive
will throw that error as an exception. Does nothing if the Channel
has already been closed or .fail
has already been called on it.
my $c =; $"Bad error happens!"); $c.receive; CATCH { default { put .^name, ': ', .Str } }; # OUTPUT: «X::AdHoc: Bad error happens!»
In Exception§
See primary documentation in context for routine fail.
multi fail(Exception $e) method fail(Exception:D:)
Exits the calling Routine
and returns a Failure
object wrapping the exception.
# A custom exception defined class ForbiddenWord is Exception { has Str $.word; method message { "This word is forbidden: «$!word»" } } sub say-word ( $word ) {$word)).fail if $word eq 'foo'; $word.say; } my $result = say-word("foo"); say $result.exception;
The routine form works in the same way, with an alternative syntax: fail$word))
In Failure§
See primary documentation in context for sub fail.
multi fail(--> Nil) multi fail(*@text) multi fail(Exception:U $e --> Nil ) multi fail($payload --> Nil) multi fail(|cap (*@msg) --> Nil) multi fail(Failure:U $f --> Nil) multi fail(Failure:D $fail --> Nil)
Exits the calling Routine
and returns a Failure
object wrapping the exception $e
- or, for the cap
or $payload
form, an X::AdHoc
exception constructed from the concatenation of @text
. If the caller activated fatal exceptions via the pragma use fatal;
, the exception is thrown instead of being returned as a Failure
# A custom exception defined class ForbiddenDirectory is Exception { has Str $.name; method message { "This directory is forbidden: '$!name'" } } sub copy-directory-tree ($dir) { # We don't allow for non-directories to be copied fail "$dir is not a directory" if !$dir.IO.d; # We don't allow 'foo' directory to be copied too fail$dir)) if $dir eq 'foo'; # or above can be written in method form as: #$dir)).fail if $dir eq 'foo'; # Do some actual copying here ... } # A Failure with X::AdHoc exception object is returned and # assigned, so no throwing Would be thrown without an assignment my $result = copy-directory-tree("cat.jpg"); say $result.exception; # OUTPUT: «cat.jpg is not a directory» # A Failure with a custom Exception object is returned $result = copy-directory-tree('foo'); say $result.exception; # OUTPUT: «This directory is forbidden: 'foo'»
If it's called with a generic Failure
, an ad-hoc undefined failure is thrown; if it's a defined Failure
, it will be marked as unhandled.
sub re-fail { my $x = +"a"; unless $x.defined { $x.handled = True; say "Something has failed in \$x ", $x.^name; # OUTPUT: «Something has failed in $x Failure» fail($x); return $x; } } my $x = re-fail; say $x.handled; # OUTPUT: «False»